xoopspartners mail bug
  • 2005/11/7 22:37

  • banesto

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2005/1/24


the problem is: if someone whishes to send an e-mail to the administrator (my) mail sending fails.. i tried to send mail throug the contacts module and it works.. saw the code for xoopspartners/join.php and it seems to be ok.. please help

i'm using XOOPS and xoopspartners version 1.1
where's my red bull!

Re: xoopspartners mail bug

Be more objective first, and second why such old XOOPS ?

If your post looks like I'm using XOOPS on hosting provaider such as 100webpsace.com (Free Account) everyone will give u the answer - the free accounts cant use (mail) function from PHP.

Everything regarding mails from XOOPS up to regards to the hosting provaider permissions. If your Hosting provaider have program like 100webspace.com u will not be able to send emails even if u install SmartPartner...
May The Source Be With You!

Re: xoopspartners mail bug
  • 2005/11/8 11:50

  • banesto

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2005/1/24

why old xoops? because it's modificated for my needs and i don't wanna mess up things i did.. it will be cool if i could upgrade core or security options.. and the main "why" is that new versions like 2.2 and others are a huge disapointment.. so i better use old ans steady version..
maybe You know how can i upgrade only security things, core and nothing more?

as i said mail function is working, sending mail using /class/xoopsmail.php works in module contact, but doesnt't work in xoopspartner.. so there's something wrong with xoopspartner i guess
where's my red bull!


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