I am currently attempting to use CBB 2.29 and I am using XOOPS When I click the install button at the "Press the button below to install this module" screen all I get is a blank screen. But when I go to the "Modules Administration" it is there in the installed section but if I attempt to go into the admin section of it or attempt to view it on my site all I get is a blank page. But the weirdest thing is when I uninstall the module it shows everything as if it was working.
One thing that I was unsure about when I was attempting to upload everything was where to place the newbb.css file. In the download I got it was in the \themes\default\css directory but when I go into \themes\default directory there is no css folder so hoping for the best I just dumped file in the \themes\default directory. Is that the problem and if not would me not using the default theme be it? Or is it a completely other mistake that I did not notice? I got the CCB zip from the XOOPS news section in my my AP and the link is
https://xoops.org.cn/modules/wfdownloads/visit.php?cid=8&lid=367 . I am in dire need for help so any kind of it would be much appreciated.