XOOPSGALLERY: Probs with picture uploads
  • 2005/9/6 3:59

  • selterdurst

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 6

  • Since: 2005/9/1 1


I've finally managed to get my website running (complete Newbie). However, I got some problems with the file upload for my gallery pictures. There are two ways: submit a URL/folder or single files (including zip).
Here are my problems: I can't get the Folder/Url upload running. Whatever URL/folder I provide (i copied meanwhile my pictures allover my server in order to find a directory, and yes, i changed the permissions to 777), It always says: Could not open folder, or no files found. Although the folder contains 10 files (again 777).

Then I tried the file.zip upload. First off all - it works - with workarounds:

I can upload zip files with not more than 12 pictures. More than that and it does not import them. And if it imports them, it still gets the following Errors:

Processing status...
- Adding Wedding01.jpg
- Resizing Wedding01.jpg
- Adding Wedding02.jpg
- Resizing Wedding02.jpg
- Adding Wedding03.jpg
- Resizing Wedding03.jpg
- Adding Wedding04.jpg
- Resizing Wedding04.jpg
- Adding Wedding05.jpg
- Resizing Wedding05.jpg
- Adding Wedding06.jpg
- Resizing Wedding06.jpg
- Adding Wedding07.jpg
- Resizing Wedding07.jpg
- Adding Wedding08.jpg
- Resizing Wedding08.jpg
- Adding Wedding09.jpg
- Resizing Wedding09.jpg
- Adding ._Wedding01.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding01_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding02.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding02_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding03.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding03_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding04.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding04_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding05.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding05_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding06.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding06_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding07.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding07_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding08.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding08_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ
- Adding ._Wedding09.jpg
Error: Invalid image: Wedding09_001jpg!
Need help? Look in the Gallerian FAQ

As I said, they are imortet, but I get these errors.

Does anybody have a clue how to resolve these issues or could somebody explain to me how the folder/url should look like for the file upload?

I Use XOOPS and the latest Gallery release.

Thanks in advance...

Re: XOOPSGALLERY: Probs with picture uploads
  • 2005/9/7 13:41

  • marook

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 89

  • Since: 2002/9/9 1


- double check that your /modules/xoopsgallery/cache folder is chmod'ed to 777.
- Does XGshow green/verified for the Imageengine you use? (ImageMagic/NetPBM)
- The Zip error, might be because the timeout is not long enough for 12+ files.

Otherwise turn on PHP debugging (System prefs) and see what it displayes...


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