Adding Custom Text to E-Mail Forms
  • 2005/8/23 0:29

  • Springanew

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 34

  • Since: 2005/4/12

Hi all - In CatAds, I want to add a footer to all e-mails that go out when someone responds to an ad.

Here is the code I think is the one that appears when you want to write someone - where in it would I put custom text Please? Course they might be able to delete it but it's for their benefit.

$form_contact = new XoopsThemeForm(_MD_CATADS_CONTACTAUTOR, "form_contact", "contact.php");

$title_text = new XoopsFormText(_MD_CATADS_TITLE, "title", 52, 100, $title);
$title_text->setExtra("readonly = 'readonly'");
$form_contact->addElement($title_text, true);

$name_text = new XoopsFormText(_MD_CATADS_YOURNAME.'*', "name_user", 50, 100, $name_user);
$form_contact->addElement($name_text, true);

$email_text = new XoopsFormText(_MD_CATADS_YOUREMAIL.'*', "email_user", 50, 100, $email_user);

$phone_text = new XoopsFormText(_MD_CATADS_YOURPHONE, "phone", 20, 20,$phone);
$form_contact->addElement($phone_text, false);

$annonce_text = new XoopsFormTextArea(_MD_CATADS_YOURMESSAGE.'*', "message", $message);
$form_contact->addElement($annonce_text, true);

$button_tray = new XoopsFormElementTray('' ,'');
$button_tray->addElement(new XoopsFormButton('', 'preview', _PREVIEW, 'submit'));
$button_tray->addElement(new XoopsFormButton('', 'post', _SEND, 'submit'));
$button_cancel = new XoopsFormButton('', 'cancel', _CANCEL, 'button');
$button_cancel->setExtra("' onclick='javascript:window.close();'");


$form_contact->addElement(new XoopsFormHidden('email_author', $email_author));



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