After upgrading Apache and PHP to the latest stable Versions (2.0.54 respectively 4.4.0) everything seemed to work fine (apart from the fact that I didn't seem to be able to load PHP as a module but used the CGI solution instead)
So today when I log on things start going weird... sometimes a page would look just fine, sometimes I would have the XOOPS admin Header displayed two times along with the menues twice, sometimes I would just get garbage output (In several modules, not just one... namely cbb, sections and wiwi)
Garbage output looks like this:
<img src="/cms/modules/newbb/images/imagesets/default/folder_big-
a.gif" style="width: 18px; height:12px; margin: 0px;"
alt="" align="middle" iÿ iÿ iÿM÷†t*u
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Does anybody have a clue? Else I'll just have to roll back to older Apache/PHP versions which seems rather silly to me :-$
Thanks everybody!