Looking for a good good CMS...
Here is what I WANT:
#1: A easy-to-use CMS that has a very easily configurable template format for customization of the "look" of the site.
#2: A user (log-in) database for the CMS to allow guests, as well as content creators/editors/proofreaders (pretty much all CMSes have this)
#3: A Forum like phpBB that is compatible with the above user database
#4: An Event Calendar like WebCalendar that is compatible with the user database.
#5 (optional): photo-support like Gallery with a compatible user database
I think Mambo wins with #1 (altho no CMS has a REALLY REALLY easily customizable template format).
i was planning on using Mambo with phpBB and WebCalendar and Gallery, but obviously it is a HUGE HUGE HUGE disadvantage that you have to keep 4 separate user databases, or somehow keep them synced with a regular cron job and script. This has kept me from moving ahead. I am surprised that no one has come up with some kind of standard mechanism to keep such separate (and independently developed) modules in sync with a single CMS.
I just recently started looking at XOOPS and Drupal and Zope too, but looking for opinions. Moreso than #1, i would say #2, 3, 4, and 5 are more important (that ALL the modules use a common single user login database). Although #1 is obviously important too.
Any thoughts/opinions? Suggestions?
Mambo? Xoops? Drupal? Zope? Plone? Taka?