Hello XOOPS developers,
I am working on a new module and am trying to integrate the XOOPS comments system into it. (xoops 2.0.13)
After following the Dev Wiki and getting the comments hooked into the module, i noticed a major problem.
The page im trying to attach comments to uses a alphanumeric ID.
The comments section wouldnt show up at all when they were supposed to.
Upon further investigation, I noticed in /include/comments_view.php that com_itemid can only be an integer. all alphanumeric are changed to value zero. :(
I really wanted to get it working so i proceeded to hack the comments code, even though I dont like to do this.
I took out the intval part so that it took the alphanumeric ID anyway. Then I also changed the database field com_itemid from mediumint(8) to varchar(25)
Still no joy :(
Does anyone know what else I might need to do to make comments take alphanumeric IDs ??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Daniel Hall / XOOPS Module Development & Theme Design
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