Here are some features I'm dreaming on every night about XOOPS !
- true antispam feature
http://www.nexen.net/news/gen.php/2005/07/26/4432,0,1,0,0.php3- embeeded pdf generator (today, each module needs its own class)
- improved search result display (open results in a new window, highlight, search by date or between a date range, etc.)
- full xhtml compliancy
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=34205&forum=14see wanikoo's works
- LDAP improvments (pemen seems to have projects on this)
- SEO optimization / metagen / embeeded url rewrite engine
See Hervet's and marcan's works on these points.
- finish PHP5 compatibility
- wysiwyg editor : option in admin for extended /light toolbar in koivi.
- new image/item manager : should be great to add a pdf/word/excel file like an image in a text (left, right, center)...
quota per user feature, thumb, interface improvment, Sub categories, mass image uploader, Sorting
Catz should work on that, as far as I know
- embeeded multilangage feature
- new multimailer (send mail to big number of users) eg. send email by packet (10 users after 10 users)
- embeeded multisite management (see mith's hack for 2.2)
- Improvments in Block configuration (see GIJOE's works)
- Optionnal Visual confirmation feature for new registrations
- Auto PM / auto forum post greeting for new registred users
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=33207&forum=14. see phppp works in CBB
- Automatic Delete unactivate users after xdays
https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=33243&forum=14- gzip re-implementation
Hope these will offense nobody.
I still know the tremendeous work that core team make on the 2.2 branch. We have time to imagine future, but I could resist to share / collapse my ideas...
Hopes these will give more ideas to all of us !
Which one of these will core team pick up ?
marco (lambda xoopser)
nb I know, we have time for that. Let's finish our holidays first !