As far as #1 goes, I don't get the same results as you're getting. I have two Topics, and if I use the following link:
http://www.yoursitehere.com/modules/news/index.php?storytopic=2..I get only stories from my second topic. That being said, I only use one topic typically, so I wouldn't typically have that problem. I put up a second topic and put an article in it in order to test your question.
I use the Multimenu module on my sites, and can add a menu item with the above link so that the linked page only shows articles from one topic.
Curious...when you say "a select box is provided in the Edit block form", which block are you editing?
Alternatively, you can follow the link below to see how to add the link above to your main menu. You would just need to replace the "storytopic=" number with the corresponding number of the Topic you want to display:
https://xoops.org/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=261....#2 on your list:
I noticed this too recently...when editing or creating your story, there's a field called "author". I had to change it to "admin" (specific to my site...you may have a different name you'll be using) when I first started using this module, even though I was logged in. I had to click "list" and "add" my username to the drop down list (again, this is all next to the "author" field selection when creating or editing a news item).
I think "anonymous" is in there until you add other names via the above method.
...hope that helps...