I've recently decided to reorder my Myalbum categories, and made some categories have other "parents".
Everything went smoothly, until i decided to have a look at the photo gallery. Even though i can access the entire web site and all the modules, the MyAlbum modules only gives a white space.
Any ideas on how to fix this ?
The website i'm talking about is
http://www.justtupeu.lx.ro/modules/news/ , and of course the address of the module is
http://www.justtupeu.lx.ro/modules/myalbum/Any help would be great.. Because i've had a very large album ( about 500 photos ) and it would be very hard to reupload everything.
EDIT : Giving you more details hoping it will be of help :
Environment Check
PHP directive 'safe_mode' (both ok): on
PHP directive 'file_uploads' (need on): on
PHP directive 'register_globals' (both ok): off
PHP directive 'upload_max_filesize': 2M byte
PHP directive 'post_max_size': 8M byte
PHP directive 'open_basedir': nothing
PHP directive 'upload_tmp_dir': ok
Table Check
Photos table: xoops_myalbum_photos ok
Number of Photos: 389
Descriptions table: xoops_myalbum_text ok
Number of Descriptions: 388
Categories table: xoops_myalbum_cat ok
Number of Categories: 35
Votedata table: xoops_myalbum_votedata ok
Number of Votedata: 35
Comments table: xoops_xoopscomments ok
Number of Comments: 0
Config Check
Pipe for images: GD
GD Version: bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
Check 'GD2' work correctly under your GD bundled with PHP
If the page linked from here don't display correctly, you should give up working your GD as truecolor mode.
Directory for Photos: /usr/home/webroot/lxro/vhosts/justtupeu.lx.ro/uploads/photos ok
Directory for Thumbnails: /usr/home/webroot/lxro/vhosts/justtupeu.lx.ro/uploads/thumbs ok
So everything seems ok..
I can access only the administration menu, and not the main module.