dynamic link submenus and content modules - help!!!
  • 2005/7/24 0:43

  • rewrites

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2005/5/18

I've searched the archives for this, but can't find an answer, so...

as far as I understand it, the dynamic submenu system in MultiMenu will only work if the parent and child links in individual categories are contained in the same folder (e.g. click on 'transport' and links to cars.html, bikes.html, buses.html appear, but only if these html files are saved in the same directory).

My problem is that I am using Content to create html pages (which works great so far), but I have about ten individual categories all on the site (each category with about 4-5 links). If I make all my pages with Content, clicking one of these links in one category opens all the dynamic submenus throughout the site at once (obviously because the link are all contained in the 'Content' folder in modules directory).

I have overcome this to a degree by using TinyContent to build some pages, but surely there must be away of getting around this without having to install a different module for each category on my site? I have tried MyPage also, but find this takes a lot of time.

Any suggestions would be very gratefully received.

best wishes



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