Ok, I have a problem with a site of mine.
I have not actually moved hosts, I was having a problem with the server my site was on and the advice was to backup the site, park the domain, when I unpark it I will be put on the server with the least strain.
I did this and then uploaded the site to the new domain space and things have gone wrong.
I have checked the mainfile.php and made sure that is pointing to the correct location as the virtual path of the site has now changed.
Anyway, something has gone wrong and I do not know what it is or what caused it.
basically all of my menus are now pointing to text that makes no sense, well not to someone browsing the site anyway!
example in the admin menu I hold the mouse over system and I see this:
on the hompage my menu looks like this:
RND Forums
RND News
RND Downloads
RND Web Links
RND Polls
RND Members
Contact RND
and the user menu looks like this:
[size=xx-large]HELP[/size]What has gone wrong and how do I repair it?