Upgraded from NewBB 1 to NewBB 2 -> forums not available
  • 2005/6/23 10:25

  • yagiuda

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2004/10/11

Having upgraded from newbb 1 to newbb 2, the forum-page at my site only works for members of the webmasters group. Going to the forum-page for any other user, only displays a "empty" page (showing only the welcome message, the main options menu,etc - no forums displayed)

I have followed the items from the readme-first file, and here's what I have done:

1.Deleted all files in old newbb folder
2.Uploaded all new files and runned the update script (newbb1_to_newbb2.php)
3.Updated the NewBB module in moduleadmin
4.In the readme, it says to set permissions for the categories and the forums - but I do not know what to do here. If it means to check off the correct boxes in groupadmin, I have done that....
5.included {$xoops_module_header} in the theme.html file
6.The readme says to update the newbb templates - but I guess that is only if I am not happy whith the default - so I have left them for now.

Ok - so all perhaps except item 4 has been done according to the "book" Anyone see what I have done wrong?

If trying to view all topics from the main options menu as a guest user, all the topics shows up like expected. But in the drop-down menu saying "--Select a Forum" at the bottom, the only value there is "ERROR"

Anyone? Please!

One more thing: when pressing the RSS button, I get the following message: "Invalid version number. Error processing resource 'http://www.yagi.no/xoops/modules/newbb/rss.php'. Line 1, Position 16 ---------------^"

I suspect this to be a separate issue - but my limited knowledge assures me not...

Re: Upgraded from NewBB 1 to NewBB 2 -> forums not available

You, after upgrade, need to reset all permissions in all categories and forums. See the following two tutorials.

Category Creation Flash tutorial


Newbb 2 Forum Creation Tutorial

It will show you the permission settings to reset.


Re: Upgraded from NewBB 1 to NewBB 2 -> forums not available
  • 2005/6/23 11:14

  • yagiuda

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2004/10/11

Thanks J,

Those tutorials really helpes out for xoops-dummies like myself..

Now, everything is running smooth. Thanks again!


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