In case anyone else might want to duplicate shoutbox 3.1 in the near present or far future..
* Change the directory name from shoutbox to the name you want to call the module. (e.g. shoutbox2, mimichoochoo, etc..)
* Now you want to change a few bits of text, so:
a. Open the modinfo.php files from the language folders. (I did only the english file for now..)
b. Open xoops_version.php.
* In the modinfo.php files -
a. Where it is:
// The name of this module
- change "shoutbox" to the name of your folder.
b. Where it is:
/ Names of blocks for this module (Not all module has blocks)
- change "shoutbox" to the name of your folder.
c. Where it is:
// Categories
define("_MI_SHOUTBOX_CAT1","Global Settings2");
define("_MI_SHOUTBOX_CAT2","Block Settings2");
define("_MI_SHOUTBOX_CAT3","PopUp Settings2");
- Change _MI_SHOUTBOX_CATs to something else.. I did:
define("_MI_SHOUTBOX_CATa1","Global Settings2");
define("_MI_SHOUTBOX_CATb2","Block Settings2");
define("_MI_SHOUTBOX_CATc3","PopUp Settings2");
d. Last hack bit is on xoops_version.php. Just search for _MI_SHOUTBOX_CAT1, _MI_SHOUTBOX_CAT2 and _MI_SHOUTBOX_CAT3 - and change these to what ever you renamed in stage c...
That's it. Now it should be ready to upload, and if it all goes well - a new instance of the shoutbox should work...
The module can be used as a chat tool (can do automatic refresh), and multiple instances can let groups leave messages that remain within the group... But most importantly, it can make a sound when used, so with a few of them working with different loops, you can compose something.. ;)
Best wishes!