i'm trying to add a date of birth field to userinfo..
all is well so far and i have the date function working on submission..
using this line in edituser.php
$birth_text = new XoopsFormTextDateSelect(_US_BIRTH, "user_birth", 10, 10, $xoopsUser->getVar("user_birth", "E"));
this works fine, i also had to modify include/calendarjs.php to change the minimum date from 2000 to 1900 which now allows a user to select all dates from 1900 - 2015
however for some reason, when i click to edit my profile again, it doesn't retrieve the value for the date i previously submitted..
it is correct in the databse, using DATE type for the table row.
but instead of showing my submitted date, it always puts a default date of '1969-12-31'
which means whenever i update my profile again, i always have to keep updating the date of birth.
is there anyway round this? i've been trying for hrs to figure out why.