  • 2005/5/28 10:45

  • tvepsorg

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 276

  • Since: 2004/5/18

I don't think I've seen this anywhere here on XOOPS (correct me if I'm wrong) but I saw this on RunCMS's modcentral website and was wondering if anyone could port it over to xoops. From what I can see, their system is similar in structure.


gDrive Version: 1.0 2005/3/19
: Features:

gDrive is a RunCMS module to store files of any size in your gMail account. Other gmail drives are limited by gMail's max 10Mb/attachment. You may also use this module for file sharing Very cool!!!!!

- upload / download files of any size
- delete files
- keep regular emails in the same account
- compresses uploaded files (decompresses on download)
- displays space remaining
- send files to other gMail accounts*
- forward stored files to other gMail accounts*
*requires the other accounts to use gDrive

Technically you could use this module to store 1gig (1000mb) of files however more likely be 999 or something like that.



EDIT: As I read furthur I found that there is another module that would go with this one.


gShare Version: 1.0 2005/4/2
: gShare module

This is the gShare module for runcms/exoops. Using this module allows for users to download any file that you have uploaded to your gmail account.

Although this module allows for you to upload files through the interface, often times the google mail server will either not show them or will simply not upload them.

You may upload files to your gmail account to share, by either sending the files as attachments (they will be available for users to download immediately) or you may use the gDrive shell extention for windows located here: http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/GMail-Drive-shell-extension-Download-15944.html

This will allow you to add a virtual hard drive to your computer from within the control panel interface. With this you can create different folders to store the files in and the folders and the files in those folders will be available for download to your users that you are sharing files with.

Your gMail user name and password will not be available or visible to anyone.


Open the index.php file and enter in your gmail login details, then close the file and save your changes.

Now just upload to your modules folder and install through the admin panel as you would normally.

Now you can share your files with everyone in a secure manner.



For more custom modules for your runcms/exoops site, visit us.


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