Converting a site to XOOPS.. are there a sections module that will cover this?
  • 2005/5/9 10:02

  • dargosch

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 118

  • Since: 2004/12/21

Hi all,

I'm very impressed by the basic modules in XOOPS and would very much like to convert a site that I am managing to this platform. The site is a natioal karate site, with separate sections that are club specific.

So, what I would like to have is a front page with a guestbook and photo main photo album and som basic articles. Then, in one of the links, I would like it fo have club specific sections that have the ability to provide their own contents.

Are there modules that fit my needs? I have browsed all the article modules, but they all seem too limited for this application... or am I being stupid?

The site I would like to convert is at


Unfortunatelly, it is in Swedish, but the "clubs" section is under "Vara Klubbar". "Gästbok" == guestbook. "Om Kunibakai" and "Var Karate" are just collections of articles.

Please, is this possible. I would very much like to wield the power of XOOPS in this..


Re: Converting a site to XOOPS.. are there a sections module that will cover this?
  • 2005/5/9 11:09

  • JMorris

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 2722

  • Since: 2004/4/11

A few ways you can do this:

Mithrandir is working on a multi-site hack that will allow your base intall of XOOPS to share tables and files with multiple sites. Last I heard, it was still Beta, but it worked really well. You can read about it here

Another approach is to run multiple websites that you've setup to look similar. This method takes the most work, but would provide ultimate flexibility.

The quickest and easiest approach would be to use an empty module, like JackJ's MyPage, to create a blank page for each group. You could then allow them to add custom blocks to that page for their content. This is by far the least flexible approach and you would have to let a memeber of each group have Admin access to the blocks section.

Hope this info helps.

Re: Converting a site to XOOPS.. are there a sections module that will cover this?
  • 2005/5/9 12:50

  • dargosch

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 118

  • Since: 2004/12/21

Thanks for the tip!

A few questions though (just so that I know that I got this right). So, this hack will allow me to have separate sites for all the clusbs involved and still share users between the sites. Also, the sites are avaliable through a subdir in the URL..
Do I understand this correctly?

What about modules? Is it possible to have separate picture galleries for each site?



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