Using Smarty In A Custom HTML Block...

Ok, I've read a couple posts about this already, but I still haven't found a definitive answer yet. Is it possible to include a smarty variable in a custom block? The reason I ask is that I am making bf2online, a multi-language site, and I am wanting to create my custom blocks in a way that can be translated by SMART LANGUAGES.

Does anyone have a way of doing this, or is it even possible?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Using Smarty In A Custom HTML Block...

Smarty variables are not usable in custom blocks.

How does SMART LANGUAGES work?

Re: Using Smarty In A Custom HTML Block...

Well thats a bummer. Smart Languages, allows you to create custom smarty variables, and have a translated message for the variable in each language that you have installed on your site. These variables are not module translations though, just root site languages. It seems that it would work real well though, but being that the variables are not usable in blocks, then it kinda blows my whole idea out of the water.


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