Welcome blocks


I have a welcome block, which is displayed at the homepage. Now, I have some additional text (which would be just a single & simple HTML page), which should be reachable via a "... read more ..." link.

It seems that I can't get a second welcome block linked; they just display on the homepage or within defined modules.

I tried it with the mypage module, but here I can't change the user access rights, so that only registered users can access this page, but not anonymous users.

Any hints most welcome!

Re: Welcome blocks
  • 2005/4/28 8:23

  • davidl2

  • XOOPS is my life!

  • Posts: 4843

  • Since: 2003/5/26

Perhaps WF-Channel - or something similar - to make a 1 page document.... and set the permissions for anonymous reading.

You can also then use this for additional informaion etc for all site visitors

Re: Welcome blocks

Hmm, thanks. I just tried it. Actually, it looks pretty nice. But if I am not mistaken the new module must appear in the Main Menu in order to set the correct permissions for anonymous users. That would mean that for one singel page, I would have to add an item into the menu, which is not really cool.


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