I recently changed servers and normally I implement the changes proposed by the protector module in the .htaccess file. My new server though edits the .htaccess to comment out my changes saying:
# For security reasons, mod_php is not used on this server. Use a php.ini file for php directives
# php_flag register_globals off
So I went to my php.ini and changed to
register_globals = Off
register_argc_argv = Off
I was unable to find anything related to 'allow_url_fopen'.
Now the thing that bothers me is that when I go to my protector module and run the security advisory, it says:
'register_globals' : on Not secure
This setting invites a variety of injecting attacks.
If you can put .htaccess, edit or create...
php_flag register_globals off
'allow_url_fopen' : on Not secure
This setting allows attackers to execute arbitrary scripts on remote servers.
Only administrator can change this option.
If you are an admin, edit php.ini or httpd.conf.
Sample of httpd.conf:
php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen off
Else, claim it to your administrators.
I know that register_globals is off from running a phpinfo(), so why does it say that its on. Also where can I change allow_url_fopen to off in php.ini?