Anyone know what this means in MyAlbum 2.83?
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imagecreatetruecolor() in d:cms.fctmodulesmyalbumadmincheckgd2.php on line 10
I can't submit jpeg images but gif's are OK.
I've made sure that the path 'c:\php\extensions' is specified in my php.ini file. In addition, I've tried enabling php_gd2.dll by removing the ; in php.ini but that just makes my entire site hang - after about 5 minutes I get a 'page cannot be displayed' error.
I've also tried using ISAPI Filters, but that makes my site hang too - it only seems to work when I have cgi enabled and php.exe specified. NTFS Permissions for IUSR and IIS have all been granted to the appropriate folders.
In addition, I've installed ImageMagick, but can I work out how to tell XOOPS to use it or to tell IIS to use it? Absoloutely not!
We have PHP Ver 4.3.7, XOOPS, MyAlbum 2.83, IIS6 and Windows Server 2003.
Any help appreciated