Hi, thanks for the feedback.
To get Japanese language support for XOOPS, you don't need to install the full Japanese XOOPS version.
All you need are the Japanese language files (system and module) you can download it from the link above.
BTW, The language pack is in EUC-JP encoding.
For multi-language switching, I'm using the multi-language hacks by GI-JOE (allows multi-language mark-up tags for XOOPS content) and that other language switcher module (switches core language). They're great! working perfectly.
My site uses UTF-8 (go UTF-8!) while the Japanese language pack uses EUC-JP encoding. I've created a UTF-8 version of the Japanese language pack for smooth compatibility with my site, let me know if you'd like it, I could zip it and post a link here.
all the best in your multi-lingual missionings