Hello folks,
It's been awhile since I've had a chance to actively participate. But I'll be brief.
A looong time ago wecreated a private forum for our website.
The reason? So that members can discuss off topic issues, argue like crazy etc.
These topics and forum issues could only be discussed upon logging in.
Fortunately and Unfortunately our site has grown much beyond our expectations! Now we are stuck with a very heavy burden.
A disorganized private forum
And one we have to manually grant acces to all registered members. As you can imagine the admin end has become pretty "heavy" handed. With huge disorganized list of users who have access and those who do not. We have to add each user one by one...then scroll waaaaaay down to give them access, one by one its terribly time consumning.
What can we do now?
Is there...a hack or update that auto-grants user permissions for such a forum?
2)has this been advanced to have more then one Private Forum Topic? Any suggestions?
We currently just have one Private topic that has an array of misc. threads.
Chalk it up I suppose to bad planning. But now would really like to FIX it.
Any suggestions?
A Hack? An update? Another instance of the module to install?
I im using newbb v.1+ on 2.0.7
Im happy we have so many users it just, like all of us...sometimes it's a lot of work and I think we've created more than necassary!
Thanks all in advance.