I've gotten it (mostly) working under 2.2.4 - it was fairly easy, only took a few hours.
The database structure has changed, and the sql needs to be updated to reflect that. Also, I changed the way he accesses configuration variables to use the XOOPS constants from mainfile.php (not sure if it was necessary, but it seemed like a good idea)
I should really rewrite all the database code to use the $xoopsDB object, but this is a temporary hack - I'll be writing a much more full-featured "social networking" module and framework from scratch over the next few months.
Mostly replacing $xoopsconfig["xoops_url"], etc with the equivalent constants, like XOOPS_URL
I.E. in myfriends.php
and rewriting the sql strings to use new fields.
$sqlstr8="SELECT uid, time FROM ".$xoopsDB->prefix("sessions")."";
$sqlstr8="SELECT member_id, sess_updated FROM ".XOOPS_DB_PREFIX."_session"."";
I'll be happy to email you a zip of what I have so far, I'm still working on a few things as I'm new to XOOPS - I haven't figured out how to tell when a user is online, for example. email me at
robbhammack@gmail.com and I'll send you a zip file of the working module ;o)