***SOLVED***Member Homepages
  • 2005/2/3 5:09

  • mongrel

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2005/1/15


Here's how simple it was. Deactivate Module. Uninstall module. Delete Module from server. Go and look at Wheeler's demo of module. Re-upload Module. Reinstall Module. Take deep breaths. Open README file. Clear mind. Follow directions thoughtfully supplied by Wheeler very, very carefully, step by step. Configure according to directions. USE module. Learn what module is and is not. Refridgerate after opening.

***Thanks to all who assisted me through this dark time!***

I just discovered that, as Webmaster, I can Add or Edit a Category or Sub-Category, but my members (Registered Users) cannot.

I'd believed I'd followed all configuration instructions about group and block permissions, but no go.

If anyone had trouble with this, and then figured it out, please let me know what that one thing you did to make it work was.



Re: Member Homepages
  • 2005/2/3 6:21

  • WarDick

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 890

  • Since: 2003/9/13

What module?

Many of the newer modules require permission on a topic basis.

Also permissions must be properly set at the system level via the groups dialogue.

Give us a little more information. You are almost there.

Re: Member Homepages
  • 2005/2/3 14:37

  • mongrel

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2005/1/15

Thanks, WarDick for responding.

The module is Member Homepages 1.01, released by Wheeler last month. It really holds a lot of promise. I understand this has been a long-awaited module.

The instructions on setting the permissions seem really straightforward. I've quoted them below. I deactivated the module for now, but I'll re-activate it so you can see what I'm talking about. It's on my site, La Perla News. Of course, there's the registration thing, so you could sign up as "testuser01" or something like that.

Thanks for the assistance!


This is the README file for Member Homepages 1.01

Please visit Members Homepages Development

--- How to Install ---

1. Upload files to modules directory

2. Go to admin : modules and install module

3. Go to admin : Members Homepages : Preferences

4. For 'Usergroups of Subcategory' and 'Usergroups of Homepages' click the groups with permission to add/edit a homepage and click go

5. Go to admin : Groups

6. Set group permissions, the 'Module Access rights' (to browse homepages) and the edit mode 'Block Access Rights' (to add/edit homepages)

7. Go to admin : blocks and click 'edit' for the Edit Mode block

8. Check 'Visible' to yes and 'Visible in' to Members Homepages and click submit

--- How to Add Categories ---

1. Go to your website homepage and click Members Homepages from the main menu

2. From the Edit Mode block, turn 'Edit Mode: ON'

3. Edit Menu will appear and click 'Add Category'

4. Fill in category details and for 'Access Rights' (at the bottom of form) select groups allowed to add/edit homepages (groups selected must be the same as step 6)

5. From the Edit Menu, click 'Add Subcategory'

6. Fill in subcategory details and for 'Access Rights' (at the bottom of form) select groups allowed to add/edit homepages (groups selected must be the same as step 4)

--- How to Add a Homepage ---

1. Select a category and Subcategory, turn 'Edit Mode ON' and from the Edit Menu click 'Add Homepage'

2. Fill in homepage details and for 'Administrator' (second from top of form) choose your username (can add more admin users later for shared homepages - awesome!)

--- How to Add Content Pages to Homepage ---

1. Go to your homepage's mainpage (cat :: subcat :: homepage)

2. From the Edit Menu click 'Add Page'

3. Fill in page details and click submit

4. Repeat from step 1 to build multiple content pages (awesome!)

--- How to Add Content Blocks to Pages ---

1. Go to your homepage's mainpage (cat :: subcat :: homepage)

2. From the Edit Menu click 'Manage Blocks'

3. From the Add Block form, fill in Block Name and Block Type and click submit

4. From the Edit Block form: check Visible, set column Position, and Weight

5. Repeat for each page which the block is to be displayed (awesome!)

6. Click 'Back to Block Management'

7. New table appears, click the text name of the block

8. Add content and choose settings for the block (each block shows different here)

9. When finished updating block, click 'Back to Block Management'

10. Repeat from step 3 to add more blocks

11. To view block, go to your homepage and click a page holding the block

Re: Member Homepages
  • 2005/2/3 15:41

  • mongrel

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2005/1/15


I uninstalled, then reinstalled and NOW I can select the "Admin of Category" when I try to "Add Category." I get this TINY little drop-down with NO menu items:

Resized Image

What in blazes is going ON here? I TRYING to follow the install README. Wheeler/others, if you're out there, give me a hand, would'ja? I'm going in reverse instead of forward.


Re: Member Homepages
  • 2005/2/3 16:18

  • Wheeler

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 145

  • Since: 2004/10/29

You reinstalled.
Goto module admin and set groups to show in that empty drop down menu. That should work.

I offer you support:
I would not suggest giving users these permissions. Use pre-defined categories similar to those used throughout your site and add different group access to create homepages for each. Example: Editors, reporters, camera men,..

OR INSTEAD make a category or subcategory the module start page.

FIRST: make a category with a subcategory in it.

FOR SUBCATEGORY STARTPAGE: add code at the top of modules/obs_classroom/index.php


Change 'd=1' to the id number of the subcategory wanted to display.

If you want, remove the Home :: Category links from the navigation menu.

FOR CATEGORY STARTPAGE: add code at the top of modules/obs_classroom/index.php


Change 's=1' to the id number of the category wanted to display


Now here is the info you want if you do not take my advice.

Look inside the templates folder and place navigation links you wish your users to see outside of the <{is_admin}> tags. Play with it until you get it.

Also, look at the edit block template there are 3 variables to play with to show and hide content, navigation, and instructions. It's very useful.

A system block to display only on the Homepages Module is very helpful for title heading, Hot Links, Featured Homepages, or additional instructions.



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