I can't updload images via the System Admin module after an upgrade to XOOPS
When setting the site on debug mode, I get the following warnings:
Warning [PHP]: move_uploaded_file(/home/svv07/public_html/cms/uploadsimg41d97db3704f6.gif): failed to open stream: Permission denied in file class/uploader.php line 422Warning [PHP]: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/php2bkXli' to '/home/svv07/public_html/cms/uploadsimg41d97db3704f6.gif' in file class/uploader.php line 422It looks like a problem in the file
uploader.php. After the word
uploads should be a slash and then further with
img41d....I'm not so good in PHP and I have realy no idea what to change in the code.
Can someone help me?