See user account before enabling it?
  • 2004/12/2 11:02

  • martyras

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/11/1

Hi my friends.

I have set my website so that webmaster only can enable new user accounts. But I would like to preview the account before enabling it (see the details such as real name). Is there a way to do it? Or if you can help me modyfing the "account activation" email that comes to webmaster so that it shows more details, not only the person's username.

Thank you.

Re: See user account before enabling it?
  • 2004/12/2 12:47

  • martyras

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 37

  • Since: 2004/11/1

Ok I have modified the code so the activation email tha goes to admin, includes more info about the user.

In register.php I added:


And updated the adminactivate.tpl to include the info i wanted using {USERREALNAME} & {USERADDRESS}.

But if for some reason, the mail server has a problem (so i can't receive any e-mail), I can't find a way to see the user's entered details from the Administration without activating him first.

I would also like to ask an other thing. Is there a way to temporarly de-activate a user account so it can't login? (restrict access for a while).

Thank you again.


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