Although I know this module is deprecated....I like this module a lot. It is a small bugfree module, simple and easy in/for use and it does the job it has to do without any fusses.
Over the years I use it for my publications. The only thing this module is missing is a page-navigation. By this I mean the option of setting the amount of articles per page. (like we do have within the mylinks, mydonwloads etc.)
Unfortunately my php knowledge isn't enough to enhance this module with this small feature.Therefore I'd like to call in some help from you coders. Is there anybody who would like to help me out by putting (I think) a small peace of code within this (yes yes I know deprectad but still in use) module, which makes this setting option possible.
You would make a xoops-ed-girl very happy.......
Grtz., Shine