adding custom javascript to <head> in news admin
  • 2004/10/9 23:47

  • TheFinni

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 75

  • Since: 2003/11/25

How would I go about this? I need to add my own javascript source into the section of the index.php of the news module in administrator mode. I need this javascript for a custom feature.

Basically I want to add a line such as:

I can't find a section in the admin/index.php or admin/storyform.inc.php file. The only place I find it is in XOOPS_URL."/include/cp_functions.php...BUT I wouldn't want to have this javascript load for every admin module.


Re:adding custom javascript to in news admin
  • 2004/10/10 7:15

  • studioC

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 922

  • Since: 2003/12/7

hello thefinni,
you won't find a area within an normal modul, output is parsed with theme.html where document type and head tag etc. is defined.

if you want to load a script not for all modules perhaps use a script in theme.html to identify module and use <{if>}> .. the way to act i think is the same as described (see my posting there) here
another answer to act on different moduls ..

put that <{if>}> ...... then load your .js and it should do that trick for you



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