Election Tracking Module
  • 2004/10/9 11:24

  • Docker

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 32

  • Since: 2004/8/20

Module to track projected results and actual election day results, like for the 2004 Presidential election. Could be used to track any race...school president, state/county races, who's the best Halo player (id10t is, by the way ), etc...

Was wondering if such a beast exists, if one is being developed, and if not if someone would be interested in creating one. Unfortunately I do not have the talent, nor the time, to learn module development.

What I envision is a module that either gets a feed (from somewhere?) or can be entered in admin module of the state-by-state projections and then actual results. Display would be on a map of US color coded by which candidate is projected to win/leading/won the state (if not a map, then a table). A summary view would tally up the popular vote and the electorial results for each candidate and display the numbers needed to win.



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