displaying blocks in an iframe
  • 2004/2/8 23:41

  • o0pk0o

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2003/12/31

OK, here's a question: How do you display blocks in an iframe?

Background: What I'm trying to do is have an iframe display my center blocks so that I can maintain a fixed height for my site. (I'm not using the left or right blocks.)

As of right now, I've created an html page in my theme folder called c_blocks.html and have all the necessary coding in it. Of course, though, when the iframe loads c_blocks.html, all you see is the code (not the center blocks).

So then my question is how do you get XOOPS to interpret the coding from an html page that's being loaded into an iframe on your theme.html?

Does that make sense? I knew a wake and bake was a bad idea!

Re: displaying blocks in an iframe
  • 2004/2/9 5:31

  • Jennifah

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 35

  • Since: 2003/2/19

I dont know about a iframe, but have you tried a scrolling
..thats not its real name LOL. I have an example here I havent tried adding XOOPS codes to the div but I cant see why it wouldnt work. These work in ie and netscape 7 with some tweaking. I m not sure about other browsers.

Re: displaying blocks in an iframe
  • 2004/2/9 7:42

  • o0pk0o

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2003/12/31

Thanks! It works great - in IE. I've been having a heinous time getting it to work in Mozilla (1.6), though.


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