I had the same problem. I'm trying to find out all infomation about xoopsforge. Then get some results:
1. Xoopsforge and myxoopsforge didn't release new version for a long time.
2. Both the cvs version of myxoopsforge and the package found in dev.xoops.org are unstable for a newbie, me...
3. The only one I could setup more better is novellforge( forge.novell.com/modules/xfmod/project/?forge ), but their package need some services provided by Novell...>.<
I also found many free software development systems were developed base on Sourceforge with version 2.x they released before. And most active one of these is gforge(
http://gforge.org ). The mambo project also support that project (
http://mamboforge.net/ )
I've almost completed the translation to Tradition Chinese for novellforge. What should I do next ??
1. Modify the novellforge to support OpenLDAP?? --need a long time...
2. Wait the stable version of xoopsforge, myxoopsforg or the forge used in dev.xoops.org ?
3. Translate the latest version of gforge?
We( a company) want to develope a local clone of any forge system to do the same thing in our language. I prefered to use XOOPS modules. Any could help me even if need charge through paypal??