Yeah, it's not so much that there AREN'T any themes, it's just that none of them are quite what I want.
Picky picky picky...! ;^)
What I would really like to do is find a really good theme person to kind of work with me long term. Get the colors right first, and a logo, then make things a little more customzied as things go forward. Nobody wants to pay out a ton of money up front, but I'm willing to pay a lot more over the long term for help.
I'm not like some of the other newbs here (not naming any names), in that I DO understand all the basic concepts and how the systems work, I'm just not a graphics guy. Not good at it, not something I really enjoy doing, but it's important to a great, long-lasting site. I'd rather spend my time on the content and other issues.
So, I'm still looking for that person.