how to hardcode theme block into theme?
  • 2004/2/11 23:56

  • o0pk0o

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2003/12/31

Hi, I was just wondering how to have the theme select block hardcoded into the theme html. That is, not have it as a block.

I tried copying out the code from the theme block template into the thme html file, but nothing shows up!

Thanks in advance!

Re: how to hardcode theme block into theme?
  • 2004/2/12 1:15

  • fatman

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 176

  • Since: 2003/12/13

you could try turning the theme block on, then load your page and view the source. Find where the theme select box HTML is, copy everything between the tags. Past this HTML directly into your theme.

This should work, however the pick list won't update automatically. You'll have to manually edit the select box or repeat the process just described each time you add a new 'theme' to the list available.

Re: how to hardcode theme block into theme?
  • 2004/2/21 23:50

  • o0pk0o

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 20

  • Since: 2003/12/31

That worked great! Although I was searching for a more robust way of doing it (i.e. not having to edit the form everytime I come up with a new theme).

I actually found a solution that worked for mmy sitch: I only showed the theme select block and put the leftBlock loop into a CSS div layer and positioned it to my heart's content. Voila!

So here's another question: what file is the theme_select code in? Why? Because I want the select height to only be 1 in order to get that nifty drop down box. I can't find it anywhere (no, it's not in the template).



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