ok, I just want the same block on the left column just in other modules.
so I:
1) copy templates/blocks/block.html -> block_clone.html
2) edit in xoops_version (for the sake of clearer understanding - news)
$modversion['blocks'][5]['file'] = "news_top.php";
$modversion['blocks'][5]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_BNAME5."_clone";
$modversion['blocks'][5]['description'] = "Shows recent articles"."_clone";
$modversion['blocks'][5]['show_func'] = "b_news_top_show";
$modversion['blocks'][5]['edit_func'] = "b_news_top_edit";
$modversion['blocks'][5]['options'] = "published|10|25";
$modversion['blocks'][5]['template'] = 'news_block_new.html';
3)update Module
4) go to Admin->System->templates... News -> see a new block in yellow - press "Generate" and get
"Selected file does not exist)" in red
I also tried Uploading it instead of Generating, but then i got
Template file news_block_top_clone.html does not need to be installed (PHP files using this template file does not exist).
maybe I shoud read wiki, but I think I'am quite close to doing things well, just dont know some little thing.. please help or link