<TD height="4" background="%3C{$xoops_url}%3E/themes/SSGIce/line_green.jpg">
is incorrect, it should look like:
<TD height="4" background="<{$xoops_url}>/themes/SSGIce/line_green.jpg">
Use a code editor to edit these mistakes, they happened when you copied and pasted into a wysiwyg editor, compare with the default theme to make sure they are right.
also, where the blocks are included into the theme, point towards your theme and not the default theme.
<{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}> <{include file="yourtheme/theme_blockleft.html"}> <{/foreach}>
go over the theme in an editor and compare with the default theme and you will find that the program you used (frontpage?) has messed up the code when you c&p.
You just need to spend a bit of time going over it and it should work fine.