The answer might lie in the structure of your
theme.html file. The general structure of it can be
CONTENT IN TOP1. Show the top module's content.
2. Show whatever center blocks are defined for the top page.
BLOCKS IN TOP1. Show whatever center blocks are defined for the top page.
2. Show the top module's content.
All this happens within the TD called "centercolumn". For instance, the default theme is written to show blocks in top. So no matter what you do to the weight of the blocks, you'll always have the blocks on top, ordered by weight, and then the module's content, in this case
WF-Channel's top page.
What to do? I'm sure for you it's obvious once this is clear: edit
theme.html so that the code
<div id="content">
appears just after the line
<td id="centercolumn">
Try this, and if it works, great!