Also started an experimental picalender module tour
Unfortunately I get a blank page with some error msgs when I activate the block: piminicalender.
I'm using XOOPS 2.05/ php version: 4.3.0/ (not on a win.-server)
The error msgs are:
Warning: get_mini_calendar_html() [function.get-mini-calendar-html]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/lib/php/include/patTemplate.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/htdocs/XXXXXX) in /www/htdocs/XXXXXX/xoops/modules/piCal/piCal.php on line 400
Warning: get_mini_calendar_html(include/patTemplate.php) [function.get-mini-calendar-html]: failed to create stream: Operation not permitted in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/xoops/modules/piCal/piCal.php on line 400
Fatal error: get_mini_calendar_html() [function.get-mini-calendar-html]: Failed opening required 'include/patTemplate.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/xoops/modules/piCal/piCal.php on line 400
Don't know if you need more information to figure out and/or hand a suggestion in how to fix this and this sweet little block running (on my website).
[edit] Oh Yes,.......forgot to ask:
What does:
'Permission of outputting ics files'
Never heard of it, nor do I know what it does/works.[/edit]
Grtz., Shine
ps: meanwhile busy in translating it into the Dutch-language.