Hey There, For my website i like to have two tables next to eachtother in the middle center table of my page. Both must host Top 5 downloads and 5 Newest Downloads.
When i simply copy the code from the standard block from the Mydownload module into a brand new one, the code doesn't work. I copied the code of both Newest downloads and Top downloads into a table in plain html. I see code on my site, so that doesn't work.
When creating a brand new block and just copying code of 1 blok, for example
<ul><{foreach item=download from=$block.downloads}><li><a aref="<{$xoops_url}>/modules/mydownloads/singlefile.php?cid=
>a> (<{$download.hits}>)li><{/foreach}>ul>
I only see the code. I have also tried it posting it as HTML and PHP... what am i doing wrong?
PS, I cut uf the code with enters so it wouldn't be to large with a bottom scrollbar