Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing

Since you have the code on GitHub, why don't you use the issues tab there for the collaboration? Just curious.

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/13 18:38

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

Since you have the code on GitHub, why don't you use the issues tab there for the collaboration? Just curious.

I'm using that too, but past experiences with mamba, we shared images on google document, for this reason I decided to put this link

However in github the link is


Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing

I'm testing the module, but I have doubts.
When I build the module and install get the error when access to module screen:

Error : Handler does not exist
Module: mymoduledirname
Name: Equipamento

I watched the video made by Michael, but do not know if I'm doing it right.

It would be possible someone produce a video tutorial with this version of TDMCreate?

I think the tdmcreate module is ok because the debug does not show any error, I think I'm not doing something correctly.

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/23 11:30

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

Hi Angelo

The video you have watched, is for version 1.37 another thing compared to this.

However if there is a problem with the classes that must have the same name as the database table.

is still early to produce a video for this version, since there are some additions to make and bugs to fix, unfortunately I did not have time right now to solve.

I managed to solve only the saving of both new and edit tables

If any of you can help me out let me know in this thread

Thank You!

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/24 7:58

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

A new commit on GitHub

As suggested by geekwright this we can use for issues

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/27 13:05

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

I did not understand why this code works in class/field.php:
// New Field
$main = ($table_autoincrement == 1) ? 1;
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main['.$i.']'$main);
$check_field_main->addOption($i_AM_TDMCREATE_FIELD_MAINFIELD );            

and that no:

// New Field
$main = ($table_autoincrement == 1) ? 1;
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main'$main);
$check_field_main->addOption($i_AM_TDMCREATE_FIELD_MAINFIELD );            

For when editing, however if this code:
// Edit Field
$field_main[$field_id] = $field->getVar('field_main'); 
$main_field = ($field_main[$field_id] == 1) ? $id 1
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main['.$i.']'$main_field);
$check_field_main->addOption($main_AM_TDMCREATE_FIELD_MAINFIELD );

should work anyway, unfortunately when you click on an option, then activate them all, and goes to save the last of selected list

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/27 15:34

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 545

  • Since: 2010/12/27

maybe I am wrong: radio need same name, but different ids

code 1: ok
code 2: same name, same id ->cannot work
code 3:
do you have different values für var i, or should be there $id instead of $i

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/27 15:43

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

it's true, but if I remove id, radio option not save in the database main field

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/28 7:15

  • goffy

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 545

  • Since: 2010/12/27

hi timgno

I do not know your current complete code, but:

if you look into admin/fields.php, there is under 'save'
$fieldsObj->setVar'field_main', (($key == isset($_REQUEST['field_main'][$key])) ? 0) );
so your radio needs an index (key)

your current code (in this posting) in class/fields.php look like this
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main['.$i.']'$main_field);

but $i is (as I see on GitHub) always empty

therefore replace thsi line by
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main['.$id.']'$main_field);

Re: TDMCreate 1.91 alpha 1 for Testing
  • 2015/1/28 7:23

  • timgno

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1504

  • Since: 2007/6/21

your current code (in this posting) in class/fields.php look like this
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main['.$i.']'$main_field);

but $i is (as I see on GitHub) always empty

therefore replace thsi line by
$check_field_main = new TDMCreateFormRadio('''field_main['.$id.']'$main_field);

I don't understand...! it seems to me the same code


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