OK... I think I found it
In /extgallery/templates/extgallery_index.html
change line 34
<a title="<{$child.cat_name}>" href="pu<{$extgalleryName}>blic-categories.php?id=<{$child.cat_id}>"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/uploads/extgallery/public-photo/thumb/thumb_<{$child.photo.photo_name}>" alt="<{$child.photo.photo_title}>" title="<{$child.photo.photo_title}>" />a>
<a title="<{$child.cat_name}>" href="<{xoAppUrl modules/extgallery/}>public-categories.php?id=<{$child.cat_id}>"><img src="<{$xoops_url}>/uploads/extgallery/public-photo/thumb/thumb_<{$child.photo.photo_name}>" alt="<{$child.photo.photo_title}>" title="<{$child.photo.photo_title}>" />a>
It is working for me...
Can others confirm??
P.S. Thanks Mamba for asking me to look further. I have never done anything like this...I just tell you guys that something is wrong and what I did to get the error.
I have been looking at xoops code for a few years but because I don't know php I have always been too scared to touch it. I thought, well... as long as I have the original files backed up how could I go wrong lol
I know it was just a typo of some sorts and pretty simple stuff but I think I did good and I feel like I fixed something

I am awesome lol
Maybe it was because I had my dreamweaver on full screen??