Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/14 19:25

  • jilong

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2007/1/10

yes, i do.

i set the Personal information as step order 1 and not save after step, Education information set as step order 2 and save after step.

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/14 19:32

  • sinablack

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12

i have no more idea about what`s going on,but i`ll have look on and say you an answer, cause i have added some lines in some other templates to do other functions.
Soon we must all face the choose between what is good to US and what is the truth!!!
300 the movie

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/14 19:35

  • jilong

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2007/1/10

i have send you my site link to your PM. maybe you can have a look.


Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/14 23:52

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

make sure you have set visibility in the permissions page in the admin (it's a select box at top, select visibility then set the permissions for each field.)

as for registration steps, note there is a bug in the current version that stops the user info being submitted on registration if you have more than 1 step & you choose to save the information after the 2nd or 3rd step. to be safe choose to save data after the 1st step, and then let the users continue on to steps 1 & 2 etc..

a bugfix version will be released soon.

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/15 0:04

  • vaughan

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 680

  • Since: 2005/11/26

to prevent users from changing their username >

open xoops_version.php

find >

$modversion['config'][21]['name'] = 'allow_chgmail';
$modversion['config'][21]['title'] = '_PROFILE_MI_ALLOWCHGMAIL';
$modversion['config'][21]['description'] = '_PROFILE_MI_ALLOWCHGMAIL_DESC';
$modversion['config'][21]['formtype'] = 'yesno';
$modversion['config'][21]['valuetype'] = 'int';
$modversion['config'][21]['default'] = 0;
$modversion['config'][21]['category'] = 'settings';

add right after:

$modversion['config'][22]['name'] = 'allow_chguname';
$modversion['config'][22]['title'] = '_PROFILE_MI_ALLOWCHGUNAME';
$modversion['config'][22]['description'] = '_PROFILE_MI_ALLOWCHGUNAME_DESC';
$modversion['config'][22]['formtype'] = 'yesno';
$modversion['config'][22]['valuetype'] = 'int';
$modversion['config'][22]['default'] = 0;
$modversion['config'][22]['category'] = 'settings';

save & close

open smartprofile/edituser.php

find >


replace with:

if ($xoopsUser->isAdmin() || $xoopsModuleConfig['allow_chguname'] == 1) {

save & close

open smartprofile/include/forms.php

find (around line 376ish)

$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormText(_PROFILE_MA_USERNAME'uname'2575$user->getVar('uname''e')), 'required' => 1);
$weights[0][] = 0;

replace with:

if ($user->isNew() || $xoopsUser->isAdmin() || $xoopsModuleConfig['allow_chguname'] == 1) {
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormText(_PROFILE_MA_USERNAME'uname'2575$user->getVar('uname''e')), 'required' => 1);
$weights[0][] = 0;
    } else {
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormLabel(_PROFILE_MA_USERNAME$user->getVar('uname')));
$weights[0][] = 0;

save & close

open smartprofile/language/english/modinfo.php


define("_PROFILE_MI_ALLOWCHGMAIL""Allow users to change email address?");

add right after:

define("_PROFILE_MI_ALLOWCHGUNAME""Allow users to change their username?");

save & close

now goto admin and update the smartprofile module by clicking update module..

now users can't edit their username unless you set 'yes' to allow users to change username in preferences.

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/15 2:41

  • jilong

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2007/1/10


vaughan wrote:
make sure you have set visibility in the permissions page in the admin (it's a select box at top, select visibility then set the permissions for each field.)

to be safe choose to save data after the 1st step, and then let the users continue on to steps 1 & 2 etc..

I am sure already set the visibility :
from : is visible for - Everyone viewing a profile of - Everyone

and i only keep 1 step for registration, but i still get the blank page. =.=

when i use ordiginal register form to register, after login i try to edit / view profile it suggest to redirect me to smartprofiles module and the profile were show in category. just only the registration form don't why hiding itself...

vaughan, i have send you my demo site url, when you free can you please visit my site have a look?

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/15 14:05

  • ccdoss

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2006/12/21

Could someone please let me know how to add password and verify password fields? I know how to add a new field, and I guess it'd be a textfield. However, how do I make it act as a password field, where the user's input is **** instead of text, and how do I make sure the verified passwd=other password? Also, does it verify the username isn't taken already? If so, how? Which field is it looking at?

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/15 14:42

  • jilong

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 61

  • Since: 2007/1/10

I also would like to know this, is it because i dont have this password field and get the blank page?

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/15 15:06

  • sinablack

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 41

  • Since: 2007/1/12

well dear jilong.
i have seen your website!!!
great work but still need working on.
first some questions
1- witch version of smart profile are you using???
1 or 0.2???
can you just wait until wednesday?? cause ì`m reaching here from library and i`m not home to access on my files!!!
i have made some changes on my files and it will be useful for you, i`ll send it for you on wednesday on your mail and you have to upload these files on your host and replace it with the old files and at the end just upgrading your module by admin side(admin menu-->modules-->installed modules-->clicking on update sign)
and i hope your probleme will be gone!!!

and another thing on your site was the permissions in smart profile module( for example you dont have to give an access to your user`s to change their post amount)
any way i`ll send you the files on wednesday afternoon on your e-mail adress.
Soon we must all face the choose between what is good to US and what is the truth!!!
300 the movie

Re: Registration Extra fields?
  • 2007/1/17 0:22

  • ccdoss

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 9

  • Since: 2006/12/21

Well, it appears that the password and verify password fields automagically appear in the registration form. I'm assuming it already checks the username with the database. However, they automatically appear above any field I add. I'd like to have First name, last name, then username, password, vpassword, e-mail, etc.

Also, I'd like to obtain address information. I'd like for them to be able to type the city, but select the state from a drop down menu. Is this possible with this module? Please check out http://www.optionsprosperity.com and try to register to see what I'm talking about.


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