Does this new version still have the restriction on submenus being in same directory as main entry?
I have got around this restriction, by adding a column to the multimenu01 database for main_id. Then on page load I check the database to read in this main_id and expand all menu items with the same main_id. Now my sub menus can come from anywhere within Xoops. Even remote (off-site) sub menu items will expand if they have the same main_id of a loaded page.
Only down-side I have found so far is if I go to a non-menu linked page (eg. different data in Calendar, then menus collapse.) However this is a small price to pay for the ability to pull calendars, news items, galleries, channel pages for one subject into sub menus for that main subject entry, and similar items into sub menus for a different subject main entry.
An example can be seen here