User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/2 18:34

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

just upgraded from 2.1 to the latetest XOOPS 2.2.3

im the webmaster and can not edit useres any more

when i go into the webmaster groups setting i find the "edit user" box no checked off. so i add a checkmark and click submit.... the page reloads but the "edit user" box is still not checked off

when i make changed to the other boxes they stick, what can be the problem?

i also noticed that i only have one box below that show the users currently in the group, not the second box that shows whos not in the group

Also installed extended profiles in the latest version of xoops:

NOTE: i went to look in the database and dicovered that new useres have a lot more information in their profiles than say the ones from years ago.

example the PM link is missing. how do i make them all up to date?

found some erros:

Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/profile.php line 93
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/user.php line 610
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file include/common.php line 209
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file include/common.php line 223
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin.php line 61
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file include/cp_functions.php line 41
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file include/cp_functions.php line 58
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variable references should be returned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 414
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php line 92
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php line 96
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php line 97
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php line 100
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php line 111
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant XOOPS_SYSTEM_USER - assumed 'XOOPS_SYSTEM_USER' in file modules/system/admin/users/xoops_version.php line 44
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/object.php line 819
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file kernel/member.php line 280
Notice [PHP]: Only variables should be assigned by reference in file modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php line 167

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 0:43

  • massacre

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2005/8/10

I'm 2.2.2 and I can't see my own (webmaster) PM link, nor can any other users. As far as I can tell everything is wide open. It's not a field which can be edited from the profile management, and it's marked visible by all in all circumstances. I'm using extended profile.

So, I'm curious if this was introduced earlier - I was just notified by one of my beta users that it doesn't show. I can still send and receive PM, it just doesn't show up as a button under my avatar on the profile like other users (who all seem to be fine!)

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 0:51

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 291

  • Since: 2004/12/7

sounds like something didn't go right in the upgrade....which should have modified the existing table entries to look like the new table entries for users and groups.

You can go to phpMyAdmin and export one of the entries for one of the 'new users', and export the webmaster entry, and add the new table fields that are not present to it...and re-insert it into the database. Of course you would need to do this with all of the users that are missing the additional database fields as well.

Good Luck & Happy Xoopsing!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 4:25

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

with 25000 members there has to be a better option than doing this one at a time.

it didnt upgrade my current memebrs but new members are getting the PM link and are working correctly.

any way to re-upgrade the database for profiles? i tried through the system module admin, nothing there.

any help would be appreciated since im not the only one in this boat

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 4:39

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 291

  • Since: 2004/12/7

you could try running the upgrade script again....


Enable PHP debug
Go to your administration area => system module => preferences => general settings and enable PHP debug
Run pre-upgrade script
After uploading all files in the patch archive, access http://www.example.com/xoopsupdate.php, replacing http://www.example.com with your site's URL. This will show error messages and no real content, but don't worry, just proceed to next step

Reload the page
Press the submit button to update the system

(I'm assuming that you did this initially...this script is supposed to handle those DB changes for you)

Keep us all informed, because, as you stated, others are in the same boat!
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 11:39

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

although it did update (ran the xoopsupdate.php) it just inserted new lines in the tables did not actually go back and make changes to all my existing records. here is what the update did : (no changes made to existing records)

xoops_module_pre_update_system executed successfully.
Module data inserted successfully. Module ID: 1
Updating templates...
Template system_imagemanager.html inserted to the database.
Template system_imagemanager.html recompiled.
Template system_imagemanager2.html inserted to the database.
Template system_imagemanager2.html recompiled.
Template system_userinfo.html inserted to the database.
Template system_userinfo.html recompiled.
Template system_userform.html inserted to the database.
Template system_userform.html recompiled.
Template system_rss.html inserted to the database.
Template system_rss.html recompiled.
Template system_redirect.html inserted to the database.
Template system_redirect.html recompiled.
Template system_comment.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comment.html recompiled.
Template system_comments_flat.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_flat.html recompiled.
Template system_comments_thread.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_thread.html recompiled.
Template system_comments_nest.html inserted to the database.
Template system_comments_nest.html recompiled.
Template system_siteclosed.html inserted to the database.
Template system_siteclosed.html recompiled.
Template system_dummy.html inserted to the database.
Template system_dummy.html recompiled.
Template system_notification_list.html inserted to the database.
Template system_notification_list.html recompiled.
Template system_notification_select.html inserted to the database.
Template system_notification_select.html recompiled.
Template system_error.html inserted to the database.
Template system_error.html recompiled.
Template system_plain.html inserted to the database.
Template system_plain.html recompiled.
Template system_admin_block.html inserted to the database.
Template system_admin_block.html recompiled.
Building blocks...
Updating existing block
Block User Menu inserted. Block ID: 1
Template system_block_user.html inserted.
Template system_block_user.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Login inserted. Block ID: 2
Template system_block_login.html inserted.
Template system_block_login.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Search inserted. Block ID: 3
Template system_block_search.html inserted.
Template system_block_search.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Waiting Contents inserted. Block ID: 4
Template system_block_waiting.html inserted.
Template system_block_waiting.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Main Menu inserted. Block ID: 5
Template system_block_mainmenu.html inserted.
Template system_block_mainmenu.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Site Info inserted. Block ID: 95
Template system_block_siteinfo.html inserted.
Template system_block_siteinfo.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Who's Online inserted. Block ID: 78
Template system_block_online.html inserted.
Template system_block_online.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Top Posters inserted. Block ID: 79
Template system_block_topusers.html inserted.
Template system_block_topusers.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block New Members inserted. Block ID: 80
Template system_block_newusers.html inserted.
Template system_block_newusers.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Recent Comments inserted. Block ID: 81
Template system_block_comments.html inserted.
Template system_block_comments.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Notification Options inserted. Block ID: 82
Template system_block_notification.html inserted.
Template system_block_notification.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Themes inserted. Block ID: 83
Template system_block_themes.html inserted.
Template system_block_themes.html compiled.
Updating existing block
Block Custom Block inserted. Block ID: 26
Template system_block_dummy.html inserted.
Template system_block_dummy.html compiled.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config sitename added to the database.
Config slogan added to the database.
Config adminmail added to the database.
Config language added to the database.
Config startpage added to the database.
Config server_TZ added to the database.
Config default_TZ added to the database.
Config theme_set added to the database.
Config theme_set_admin added to the database.
Config theme_fromfile added to the database.
Config theme_set_allowed added to the database.
Config template_set added to the database.
Config anonymous added to the database.
Config gzip_compression added to the database.
Config usercookie added to the database.
Config use_mysession added to the database.
Config session_expire added to the database.
Config session_name added to the database.
Config debug_mode added to the database.
Config banners added to the database.
Config closesite added to the database.
Config closesite_okgrp added to the database.
Config closesite_text added to the database.
Config my_ip added to the database.
Config use_ssl added to the database.
Config sslpost_name added to the database.
Config sslloginlink added to the database.
Config com_mode added to the database.
Config com_order added to the database.
Config enable_badips added to the database.
Config bad_ips added to the database.
Config module_cache added to the database.
Config meta_keywords added to the database.
Config footer added to the database.
Config censor_enable added to the database.
Config censor_words added to the database.
Config censor_replace added to the database.
Config meta_rating added to the database.
Config meta_author added to the database.
Config meta_copyright added to the database.
Config meta_description added to the database.
Config meta_robots added to the database.
Config enable_search added to the database.
Config keyword_min added to the database.
Config mailmethod added to the database.
Config sendmailpath added to the database.
Config smtphost added to the database.
Config smtpuser added to the database.
Config smtppass added to the database.
Config from added to the database.
Config fromname added to the database.
Config fromuid added to the database.
Config auth_method added to the database.
Config ldap_mail_attr added to the database.
Config ldap_name_attr added to the database.
Config ldap_surname_attr added to the database.
Config ldap_givenname_attr added to the database.
Config ldap_port added to the database.
Config ldap_server added to the database.
Config ldap_base_dn added to the database.
Config ldap_uid_attr added to the database.
Config ldap_uid_asdn added to the database.
Config ldap_manager_dn added to the database.
Config ldap_manager_pass added to the database.
Config ldap_version added to the database.
Adding user profile fields...
NOTICE: umode exists - skipped
NOTICE: uorder exists - skipped
NOTICE: notify_method exists - skipped
NOTICE: notify_mode exists - skipped
NOTICE: user_regdate exists - skipped
NOTICE: posts exists - skipped
NOTICE: attachsig exists - skipped
NOTICE: timezone_offset exists - skipped
NOTICE: user_mailok exists - skipped
NOTICE: theme exists - skipped
NOTICE: actkey exists - skipped
NOTICE: last_login exists - skipped
xoops_module_update_system executed successfully.

Module System updated successfully.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config storyhome added to the database.
Config displaynav added to the database.
Config anonpost added to the database.
Config autoapprove added to the database.
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Config notification_enabled added to the database.
Config notification_events added to the database.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config popular added to the database.
Config newdownloads added to the database.
Config perpage added to the database.
Config anonpost added to the database.
Config autoapprove added to the database.
Config useshots added to the database.
Config shotwidth added to the database.
Config check_host added to the database.
Config referers added to the database.
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Config notification_enabled added to the database.
Config notification_events added to the database.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config popular added to the database.
Config newdownloads added to the database.
Config perpage added to the database.
Config anonpost added to the database.
Config autoapprove added to the database.
Config useshots added to the database.
Config shotwidth added to the database.
Config check_host added to the database.
Config referers added to the database.
Config com_rule added to the database.
Config com_anonpost added to the database.
Config notification_enabled added to the database.
Config notification_events added to the database.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config profile_search added to the database.
Config max_uname added to the database.
Config min_uname added to the database.
Config display_disclaimer added to the database.
Config disclaimer added to the database.
Config bad_unames added to the database.
Config bad_emails added to the database.
Config minpass added to the database.
Config new_user_notify added to the database.
Config new_user_notify_group added to the database.
Config activation_type added to the database.
Config activation_group added to the database.
Config uname_test_level added to the database.
Config allow_register added to the database.
Config avatar_allow_upload added to the database.
Config avatar_width added to the database.
Config avatar_height added to the database.
Config avatar_maxsize added to the database.
Config self_delete added to the database.
Config avatar_minposts added to the database.
Config allow_chgmail added to the database.
Config allowed_groups added to the database.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config perpage added to the database.
Config max_save added to the database.
Config prunesubject added to the database.
Config prunemessage added to the database.
Updating module config category data...
Adding module config category data...
Adding module config data...
Config tinytheme added to the database.
Config tinylang added to the database.
Config tinycss added to the database.
Config tinyforcebr added to the database.
Config tinyforcep added to the database.
Config tinyrelurls added to the database.
Config tinyremhost added to the database.
Config tinyrtldir added to the database.
Config tinytbloc added to the database.
Config tinypathloc added to the database.
Config tinyplugs added to the database.
Config tinybuts1 added to the database.
Config tinybuts2 added to the database.
Config tinybuts3 added to the database.
Config tinyplugdate added to the database.
Config tinyplugtime added to the database.
Config tinymgruploads added to the database.
Config tinymgrpersdir added to the database.
Config tinymgrquota added to the database.
Config tinymgrimglib added to the database.
Config tinymgrimglibpath added to the database.
Config tinymgrthuwidth added to the database.
Config tinymgrthuheight added to the database.
Config tinymgrthupref added to the database.
Config tinymgrthudir added to the database.
Config tinymgrvalidimg added to the database.
Config tinymgrdefthumb added to the database.
Config tinymgrresqual added to the database.
Config tinymgrmaxwidth added to the database.
Config tinymgrmaxheight added to the database.
Config tinymgrtemppref added to the database.
Config tinymgrdircreat added to the database.
Config tinymgrdirdel added to the database.
Config tinymgralluploads added to the database.
Config tinymgrimgdel added to the database.
Config tinymgrimgedit added to the database.

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 14:12

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

i used this SQl code to update all my records (42000 records)

update `xoops_user_profile`
set `pm_link` = 'Write a message to {X_UNAME}'

this is now fixed however i still can not choose "edit User" in my "modify groups" altough it says "database updated succesfully the checkmark does not stck

there is something wrong with the group database. what should it look like?

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 20:48

  • adrock

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 291

  • Since: 2004/12/7

I'd report this to the bug tracker....as it appears to be a 'bug'.

The SQL code you used to update all the records, was just the PM link...nothing else.

Are you able to add one of the new users to the admin group? Maybe make a new account, add it to the admin group and examine the two entries for consistency.

If they are the same, and one is able to do what the other is not, then there was a problem somewhere in the upgrade.

Just out of curiosity...you are updating the system module and deleting all of the chache/templates_c files too, yes? (sometimes I forget the basic things, which is why I ask)

It seems apparent at this point that the groups page is not interacting correctly with the user settings in the DB.
Affordable Web Hosting - Family - Fun!...and not always in that order!

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/3 20:56

  • mario

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2002/12/29

yeah i kow about the SQL code, its exaclty what i need.

i realise others are having the same problems now

waiting for a patch

Re: User groups and webmaster not editable?
  • 2005/9/5 4:45

  • massacre

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 48

  • Since: 2005/8/10

I never upgraded, except from 2.2 to 2.2.1 and then to 2.2.2. I was under the impression that there wasn't much to this.

After digging, I used the same update SQL tactic to fix my ID. I was the only one affected. All else, like setting permissions, etc. seem to be working. I have no idea if this was like this from the beginning, but I seem to remember a PM link on my profile and in the dropdown in forums. Strange that the PM_LINK field should be empty for me.

At any rate, it was a fairly simple fix. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.


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