I also hope I recorded each code added or changed properly, maybe some code not displayed in blue. I started without keeping track of modifications, then went back looking for it. Sorry.
Other features done? To be submitted to the WF-Projects Team for their future releases...
-rated and reviewed averages by number (eg. 7.66), image display still works, may use both.
-added a new scoring system using number of downloads, votes, and reviews, combined with rated and reviewed averages.
-Added path to display for download items list, instead of just the (sub)category which the download item belongs to.
-Added functionality, display categories and download items while group access set to no, instead of completely hiding them.
-Email bug fixes, There are more than just the one 'Email a Friend' bug.
-Template work:
---Never get a 'You don't have permission to access' message again.
---Logical display message for 'no downloads added to (category OR letter) listing.'