My site was working great until I closed my browser (MSIE2)
Earlier in the evening, I brought the site up in standard IE (Not MSIE2, the browser I ussually use.) and the page was a blank, but worked fine in MSIE2 so I just thought that it was a hickup or a problem with IE.
Now I've got nothing with MSIE2 as well.
When I pulled it back up, I get nothing.
Viewing the source returns this..
I dumped the XOOPS tables and re-populated them with a backup. - No luck..
Didn't work list...
- Deleted .htaccess file
- Older back up version of my theme.html
- Re-populated tables with a back up
- Changed a base theme to the same name as my custom theme
- Tried to access any sub-components of the site
- Repopulated the template_c folder contents with a back up
- Deleting the contents of the template_c folder
Worked list...
- uploading a standard HTML index file and changing the name of the index.php file. (The html page showed up fine)
I'm all out of ideas..
What could this be??
Thanks for any thoughts!