If you want to replace the XOOPS logo from the default theme, you can go about it in two ways...
Method 1
1. Rename your logo as logo.gif
2. Open theme.html in notepad or an html editor
3. Look for the following code
<td id="headerlogo"><a href="<{$xoops_url}>/"><img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>logo.gif" width="150" height="80" alt="" />a>td>
4. Change the width and height values to match your logo's demensions.
5. Save the file
6. Empty the contents of templates_c to remove the theme cache (otherwise your changes won't show up)
7. Test your theme
Method 2
Step #2-3 from above
4. Change the name of the graphic to the name of your logo and edit the height and width appropriately
Steps #5-7
If you are referring to the banner that is displayed near the center of the header, you could do as mentioned above (disable banners from admin control panel), or you could relocate the banner to another place in the theme. The following example relocates the banner from the header to the top of the center column....
1. Open theme.html in notepad or an html editor
2. Look for the following code
<td id="headerbanner"><{$xoops_banner}>td>
3. No replace <{$xoops_banner}> with (this will create a space so that your theme stays properly aligned)
4. Now look for the following code
<td id="centercolumn">
<{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}>
5. Just between
and insert the following code
<table align="center" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr><td id="headerbanner"><{$xoops_banner}>td>tr>table>
Your final code should look like this
<td id="centercolumn"> <table align="center" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr><td id="headerbanner"><{$xoops_banner}>td>tr>table> <{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}>
6. Save the file 7. Empty the contents of templates_c to remove the theme cache (otherwise your changes won't show up) 8. Test your theme
You can use a similar process to relocate your banner just about anywhere you want.
Hope this helped.
EDIT: If you decide to relocate your banner you may want to open style.css and look for td#headerbanner, then delete the portion background-color:#...... (the #...... will be a hex number in the form of #1234AB or something like that).
Sorry, I forgot about that one.
Great Post ... Save this in a special place!
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