Is there any XOOPS knowledgable folks out there who could take a PHPNuke module (That is owned and written by me) nan convert it to run inside of XOOPS?
I've recently converted my website from PHPNuke to XOOPS and love every minute of the easability that XOOPS affords me, save one thing....
The Modules are a bit more complicated than I'm used to with PHPNuke. So, what I'd like to know is this....
I've got an existing program written in PHP and made to run inside of the PHPNuke CMS and it is working just fine. Or was when I still ran PHPNuke. NOw, I could convert this to run outside of the XOOPS website and that's doable by me, but I want it to run inside the XOOPS framework as a module. IS there anyone here that can do this and is willig to do it, under a time constraint, for a small fee?
Please write back asap to either kerjin at myndworx dot com OR tap me on MSN Messanger as kerjin at myndworx dot com.
There is a bit of urgency to this project.