Catzwolf wrote:
I will have a look at this later. The 'other rename' icon is for file permissions. I just never got around to correcting this lol.
Just a footnote, the Filemanage will be removed from WF-Sections in the final release.
Just installed 2.01 and made the change. The spotlight block now shows up correctly
. I must admit I never look at what the second rename icon did. I can see from the path it is chmoding
. Any reason for dumping the filemanager, or is this to be developed as a seperate module?
Catzwolf wrote:
Fixed this problem already
Still unable to import a word doc on my Windows 2000 machine using office 2000 and IE 6
. I turned PHP debug on and this is the error I got;
Unable to instantiate application objectWarning [PHP]: (null)(): Invalid ProgID, GUID string, or Moniker: Invalid syntax in file D:\Services\web\Beta it-hq\modules\wfsection\admin\index.php line 62Quote:
Catzwolf wrote:
Actually the spaw editor should not have showen if you where not using IE5.5-. I will check this again
Sorry for the confusion here catz, I was using a W2K machine with IE5 at home, and a XP machine with IE6 at work. I have now updated all browsers to IE6.
Catzwolf wrote:
Np at all, the more you fire at me the better this module will be for all
I think one of the bigger things I'm still to get my head completely round is the use of templates and index management, but that should come in time.
Another thing I noticed is that when you vote for an article, the vote is tallied but no data shows in the WF-Votes section. Also there is no data when viewing the document stats from the document management section.