Herko Coomans wrote:
It seems you have made up your mind about us, and there is no way we can change that. We're not running away from documentation, although I must admit this used to be the case and still is the case for a large part of the developer documentation. But user docs -no. It's very easy to discard all the work the docs team is doing and saying you'll do it all yourself. If you're so great, then you should have been able to understand XOOPS's trappings and inner workings easily. What it comes down to is the quality standard we uphold, and if you don't feel up to that, then fine.
It seems you are bent on doing it all by yourself, and you're free to do so. But don't demand any help from us if you're not willing to join the team. So stop offending people here and do what you feel is best. But don't bother us with your petty opinions about our motivations and work again.
Sure, I've made up my mind about you fellows, and that's because what's happening here is as plain as the nose on your faces. Two things, really. First: The reason you give for not having a proper manual/tutorial is false.
Second: you've created a tautology as a defense for not writing a proper manual/tutorial.
This happens in life even among scientists, so don't tell me it can't happen here. I may be wrong about the reason why you've created this tautology, but I'm not wrong that it exists here (the tautology).
I've been attacked en mass. The official reason is that I have a nasty attitude; the real reason, however, is that I speak the truth: there's no logical reason for not having a tutorial/manual, none whatsoever.
I was working with XOOPS last night and it's ridiculous. All I wanted to do was shift blocks around, put the main menu block first. Well, I couldn't figure out how to do it. I knew there was a very simple way to do it, but I couldn't figure it out. That's when I got mad all over again. Ok, I'm stupid -- but XOOPS should be for stupid people too!
Get this concept if you don't get anything else: if you write applications for the general public, assume you're writing it for a stupid person not geeks!
Has the product been tested on stupid people? Why not? Don't you realize there are far more stupid people in the world than geeks?
But this isn't what you fellows have done. The shortcuts you take are incredible. XOOPS is a geek IQ test, anyone who doesn't pass is driven away.
Geeks do things like that. They develop their own little clique. Often they're not aware they're doing it. Geeks can take over a product meant for the masses and turn it into a geek toy. This has happened with several cms. Typo3 is this way now. In order to find anything out you have to hire a "consultant."
This must be resisted. This can kill any chance a application has of reaching the masses. Don't believe the geeks when they tell you a tutorial is not needed. They do not have your interest at heart.
You must understand what's really happening here. XOOPS can break from the pack and be really big if you don't allow geeks to keep it crippled.
Tautology: 1a. Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy. b. An instance of such repetition. 2. Logic An empty or vacuous statement composed of simpler statements in a fashion that makes it logically true whether the simpler statements are factually true or false; for example, the statement Either it will rain tomorrow or it will not rain tomorrow.